2019 News and Events

5 December 2019 – Carleton University Environmental Science Projects

Carleton University third year students presented their Environmental Science group projects this week.  In partnership with the Ottawa Stewardship Council, we sponsored a project at the Carp River Restoration Site:  monitor seeded and invasive plants and make recommendations for citizen science and public engagement.

The students recorded 19 plant species in a 350m stretch and identified three invasive species:  wild parsnip, flowering rush, and phragmites.  They also looked at five citizen science projects  and recommended a public awareness event and use of iNaturalist to promote yearly collection of data to see how the site flora change over time.

May 2019 – MVCA Looking for Volunteers

Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority is running a City Stream Watch Program on Carp River tributaries this summer and needs YOUR help to complete it! The program will run from July- mid August, 2019 (Monday –Saturday).

For this assessment, MVCA will have volunteers working closely with experienced staff members, out in hip waders surveying the stream. You will be wading up the stream taking detailed measurements and site characteristics every 100 m. Each group will have  2-3 volunteers and 1-2 staff members. The stream surveys will run from 9 am-3 pm or 5 pm- dusk (weekdays only), which includes meeting at the site, training, putting equipment on, hiking to the creek and completing the survey. 

When: Monday – Saturday, 9 am-3 pm or 5 pm-dusk (weekdays only) from July to mid- August, pick any day that is good for you!

Where: Different meeting sites based on the day

Why: To engage individuals of the local community while at the same time collecting valuable monitoring data which can be used to create restoration plans.

MVCA makes the schedule based on what days volunteers are available to come out, and does its best to accommodate everyone’s preferences.

If you are interested please send an email with the following information to [email protected]:

  • Date(s) of availability
  • Shoe size (for hip waders)
  • Phone number